Don't forget that we're open this Sunday, March 4, with food, fun, friends and stitching fiends. (pssst--and prizes.) We'll be open from 12:30-4:30.
You need one of these Lantern Moon sheep to cheer you on as you stitch, don't you? He's about 8 inches tall and has a heavy weighted bottom so he doesn't fall off your stitching table.
Two more by Rosewood Manor: "Flowers, Awake" and
"Old Glory"
"A to Z" designs by Erica Michaels. Stitch it up and pop it in the frame and proudly wear your work. We sell the pendant frame (in the net bag).
Are you a cat person? Take a look at this wonderful cat project, complete with treasures. By Rovaris.
New needle threaders from JABCO: "doggy" and "kitty."
I love the brilliant blue house at the bottom of this sampler: "Alsop Family Record Sampler" by NeedleWorkPress.
I plan to acquire these two from The Stiching Parlor. "Good Morning Sunshine!"
And "Persuasion." I like the verse: "If a man has not a wife he soon wants to be afloat again." I know some men with wives (and some women with husbands) who would prefer to be floating again, but we won't quibble.
As we mentioned before, there were lots of Adam and Eves at the show. I so want an Adam & Eve sampler wall. "Mary Ann Mossom 1821" by Samplers Revisited would be a great start.
"Ann Wheatley" by NeedleWorkPress
"Eve and Adam Sampler" by Cherished Stitches.
New project bags (not just for knitters) from Hiya Hiya. I want one just so I can refer to it as my Hiya Hiya. Try a Hiya Hiya! Buy a Hiya Hiya! (Yeah, I'm hilarious; I'm quite sure they're tired of me here.)
We have lots of new Picture This Plus fabrics in delicious colors.
We have lots of these beautiful Lantern Moon zippered pouches. A customer in the shop while I was photographing them remarked that they'd be great little jewelry containers for travel.
Lots of new and quirky/fun charts from Prarie Moon: "The House That Jacks Built II":
Remember last year's "Thine is the Trick and the Treat?" This year's design is: "No, Mine! is the Trick and the Treat." I've started the first one and want to do this and hang it next to the other one!
"They Will too Fit Under the Seat!" Look carefully at the shoes.
See any shoe similarity? LOL! This is one of Ellen's purchases in Nashville. We don't sell these in the shop, unfortunately. Kicky!
If you have questions or would like to order something, call us at 703-360-4600. Our hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on the first Sunday of the month from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Stitch Nights are the first and third Wednesday of the month.
Happy Stitching!
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