Saturday, September 24, 2016

Needle Delights

Hi, All! Ellen has returned from the Dallas needlepoint show with lots of goodies for the needlepointers among us. I wanted to show you this canvas, although it wasn't part of the show. I think it's absolutely amazing and would love to see it stitched up. It's a bit beyond my own abilities right now, but it's this kind of thing that keeps me ticking.  There's just so much here in the shop--how am I going to get it all stitched?!?  Going to do my best, but you're going to have to help me by stitching along with me.

A most wonderful Washington, DC Christmas stocking design.

One of our lovely customers was stitching this the other night. This is not available in the shop, but it's adorable.

I am feeling decidedly Christmasy lately.  Can you tell?  This is some kind of delightful work by Shop Lady Candie.  It is "A Churchyard Christmas" by Praiseworthy Stitches.  Isn't it wonderful? 

See the sparkly fibers in the roof?

Here's mine! I kitted it up immediately. I am using Lakeside Linen Winter Sky and all the recommended Sampler Threads and Weeks floss, Kreinik blending filament and Mill Hill Petit Glass Beads. We can kit this up for you--just give us a call.

Here's a sampling of some of the new charts: By With Thy Needle and Thread, "One for the Crow."

And "Rest Thy Needle."

New from Plum Street Samplers: "Penny Autumn,"

"White Pumpkin Farm,"

"Earthly Treasures,"

and "Mermaid Fraktur."

Myrtle Grace Motifs:

New from Pippin, back from Dallas: this is the stitch guide for the individual trees.  Such small and satisfying projects, for Christmas or otherwise.

"Nine Polar Bears." Unbearably cute.

And stitched by Shop Lady Lois, one of Pippin's fish, stitched with fun fibers. If you don't already do needlepoint, you can do this!

To order, or for questions, please call us at 703-360-4600. We are located at 8800 F Pear Tree Village in the Mt. Vernon section of Alexandria. Our hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and from 12:30-4:30 on the first Sunday of the month. Stitch Nights are the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come join us--we'd love to stitch with you!

Happy Stitching!