[Hours Updated at the Bottom of this Post]
Greetings, all! It's nearly time for Santa Claus to land on your roof, eat your cookies and leave you a nice large counted cross stitch, needlepoint or knitting project, and if you maybe haven't been so good, or if Santa Claus' GPS isn't working right, why not get yourself a little something, in case he's lost or dropping off underwear and not that needlework you've been craving. I have a few inspirational photos for you (and psst--GIFT CERTIFICATES!--call us at 703-360-4600 and we can arrange something for you.)
This photo is from last year. These three are shop models. I have no idea who the artist(s) is/are, but if you want to get this/these chart(s), please give the shop a call. I just thought it was a nice warm-up of what's possible even in a short amount of time.
This is a brand new chart in the shop, by Heaven and Earth Designs. It is not a quick stitch--nope. It takes 88 colors of DMC and it is 725 W by 543 H. But so glorious... I bought one. And have started to kit it up. Hah--my stitching pals are rolling their eyes.

I bought this last year. It is great fun to stitch. I'm a top-left to bottom-right stitcher, so I'm working on the sky. Lots and lots of blue. I take it out when I'm anxious about things, and it calms me down. It is smaller than the previous photo, at 400 by 527. In case you're curious, there are a variety of ways to stitch HAED designs, but I stitch them the same way I stitch every project: no threads at 10 space intervals, no parking of multiple needles. Those techniques are recommended and many stitchers use them successfully. But I like doing it the regular way, as if it were any other project and not a big honking design that barely fits on a yard of fabric. Maybe I'll make it to the moon this year... (Yeah, just as likely I'll make it to the real moon, but I don't care--it's a process, a journey. There are other projects I'll finish faster, but I love working on these.)

Lookie here! I got this one too. 450x562, 90 colors. Tiny! Picture the three of these hanging together, presiding over the dining room at Christmas dinner. My goal.
Aren't these guys cute? "Christmas Magic" by Amy Bruecken Designs.
O Christmas Tree by Samplers Not Forgotten--lovely.
A little shop show-and-tell. This stocking is a Shepherd's Bush design, stitched by our own talented Diane.
A new shop model waiting to be finished: "Santa's Magic Key" by Needle Bling Designs.
While we are not a quilt shop, many of our shop ladies are multi-talented. Here are some of Mary's wonderful quilt projects, brought for show-and-tell. You can't tell, but Mary is standing behind this quilt, holding it up. Photos don't do it justice. The piecing and stitching are exquisite. I love the reindeer border.
I so wish I had stitched these for the holiday. Aren't they wonderful? The pillows are needlepoint, and go so beautifully with the quilt.
Another shop model. Mystery project to me, but if you call the shop, they can tell you who it's by.
These knock my socks off. We sell all kinds and colors of sock yarn.
Last but not least.
Our hours during the holiday season: We will be open Christmas Eve from 10-2. We are closed Christmas and the day after. On December 27, Saturday, we are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. From 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. there's a little something extra for you if you wear your pajamas to the shop. We are closed Sunday, December 28. The sale continues December 29 to 30 (normal 10-5 hours). Open 10-2 on New Year's Eve. Closed New Year's Day. Open from 10-5 on January 2 and 3. January 4 (first Sunday of the month), open 12:30-4:30. For questions, call us at 703-360-4600. Our address is 8800 F Pear Tree Village, Alexandria, VA. We're next to a McDonalds, if you'd like breakfast. And if I can tear myself away from my own stitching, I might even make coffee cake and bring it in. We are looking forward to seeing you!!!!
Happiest of holidays, and happy stitching!