These projects were fully kitted: two pieces of fabric, one for the large Potomac River Needlework map, and enough material to create a little journal. Also included were the journal, fabric paints, container, freezer paper, floss, silk chenille, charts, instructions, needles and a delicate paint brush.
Here's Catherine on the right:
Here's one of the several tables of students, preparing by stitching the river's outline using brown Anchor.
Catherine is a wonderful teacher. Her written and verbal instructions are clear, and she is very modest. She said "I don't think I'm that artistic!" Well, we beg to differ--we think you're VERY artistic, Catherine!
Here she's holding the fabric paint (you can buy the paints from her website:
Catherine is demonstrating here how to mix the paint with water so that it's the proper consistency. Interestingly, the characteristics of linen mean that it absorbs just enough paint for vivid color, and the fabric paint's characteristics mean the fabric does not become stiff. The kit came with Lakeside Linens.
And here's how the paint looks as it's applied.
This is the Potomac River Needlework Map which we all fell in love with at the Woodlawn Needlework Show. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. We have the class kit for sale in the shop--call us at 703-360-4600 to order. For a nice tour of her work and kits (and to find the fabric paints) or to see her class schedule, please see her website at
Happy stitching!