I wanted to show you something that I saw one of our wonderful shop ladies, Rosalie, working on. It's a beautiful needlepoint stocking. I love the little animals, and Rosalie is doing a masterful job. We can order this for you. Although I'm primarily a counted cross stitcher, I dabble in needlepoint and knitting. The yarns, knitting patterns, needlepoint canvases and fibers have convinced me to get a little more serious about both "sports." I really want to stitch this stocking!
Here's a closer look.
As always, we have lots of new items in the shop. Disappointed because Santa forgot to leave that piece of Lakeside linen, that new chart, the pile of silks and the tiny pair of scissors you were hoping for? We can help! I'll be roaming around with the camera tomorrow at 8 a.m. to tempt you, but nothing is better than spinning the racks yourself: it's both calming and stimulating. Better than coffee, and even better than a big hot chocolate with a marshmallow. Hope to see you at the shop!
For questions or to order, call 703-360-4600.
Happy stitching!