Here are a few new treats in the shop, just ahead of the pile of new stuff we're planning to bring back from the Nashville Needlework show. "Chincoteague" by Carriage House Samplings.
"Bad Hair Day" journal. Adorable sheep, which grace several different covers.
Saint Patrick is on his way, even if Santa did push him out of the limelight.
A lovely and touching design by Silver Creek Samplers--the dove says "I cooed him to sleep so he would not cry." Awwwwwww.
"March Cottage" by Country Cottage Needleworks.
Santa again--on two delightful needlepoint stockings.
One of several spring/Easter ornaments in this Prairie Schooler book. You know I have to stitch this, and I've already gathered my supplies (a small piece of linen and some DMC).
Did someone say "Bunnies?"
And a Venetian Carnival mask, which reminds us of a Mardi Gras mask. Fat Tuesday is on its way.
Here are some more beautifully stitched, knitted and crocheted projects by our fabulous friends and customers. Deborah's sock, which she says is knitted in highlighter colors. Deborah also made us a pile of five kinds of brownies.
"Plumpkin" (Lizzie Kate) stitched on a wonderful fabric.
Minnie's Asian themed design and hand-made Q-snap cover.
Jan's "13 Colonies" is almost complete.
And March is tearing along on "Pot 4 Dickie" (Long Dog).
To order or for questions, please call us at 703-360-4600. We will be open Monday normal hours on the President's Day holiday. Our hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday and the first Sunday of each month, from 12:30 to 4:30. Stitch Nights are the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
Our special Market Day will be Sunday, March 4, from 12:30 to 4:30!
See you soon, and happy stitching!
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