We've stitched up July in the series, and it's ready to pop into a frame. We have lots of Independence day charts and canvases in the shop.
Filigram's "Blackberry Plant" is very summery; and there's just a touch of silk ribbon work to do in it--nothing scary.
Another summery stitch, this one's from Queenstown Samplers: Esther Rondel. This is the framed model. We love the bright colors. It's charted for 32 count fabric using either NPI silks or DMC.
Closeup of the verse:
And my favorite part--the birds:
Guess who started it? The colors are a bit off here because of the late afternoon sun.
Here's another farm sampler in Victoria Sampler's series: "Oldfield Orchard."
A close-up of the chart. Fruit pies remind me of summer and the slam of the screen door.
Pineberry Lane's "Home Sweet Home Sampler." Such a nice primitive design.
Jardin Prive is a new designer we're carrying in the shop. We have lots of different charts; here are two: "Quaker de Noel" and
"Lettre A." We have several of the letters and will continue to get more of them in the shop. I am anxiously awaiting Lettre G. A is for adorable. So very French? No, I think Jardin Prive may be Belgian. I've been wrong about this before with another designer (our Belgian reader may know; I always love to hear from our international readers!)
"Whitsun" from Long Dog. We have some other new Long Dogs as well as some classics.
Last but not least, "Hannah Beeby," a lovely Quaker. I love the idea of stitching it in a nice chocolate brown with wheat-colored accents, but you could stitch it in blues. Or in red and pink. Or in a single variegated color: we have Silk 'n Colors or Belle Soie or Dinky Dyes if you like to stitch with silk, and of course, all the colors of Sampler Threads and Weeks Dye Works on any color or count of fabric you could imagine.
For questions or to order, please call us at 703-360-4600. Our hours are 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. We're also open the first Sunday of the month from 12:30 to 4:30. Stitch Nights are the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 6 to 9 p.m. Come join us--next Stitch Night is on June 20!
Happy Stitching!